Mission to Mars

Do you need an original and fun celebration?

60 minutes of connection and adrenaline!

Challenges that will have you

jumping out of your chair!

1 explosive hour that leaves positive emotions and a memorable event as a result. The teams will receive unconventional missions through our web-app that they must solve within a time limit. But watch out! The challenges will arrive unexpectedly and to solve them they will not only have to work agilely and as a team, but they will have to think creatively and get moving.


¿Do you imagine your team improvising costumes or frantically searching for things around their house, all while trying to beat the clock?
Get to know the impact of the experience
Technical Information


Up to 10,000 players in teams of 3 to 7 people.


45 / 60 minutes (adaptable if necessary)


Virtual, in person, or a combination of both.


Offsite - Kick off - Teambuildings - Conventions - etc


Spanish, English or both at the same time

Facundo Sosa Fraud & Revenue Recovery Manager - NARANJAX

We had a lot of fun. It was excellent for the kick off event of the year, we used all the important skills in our area, especially agility, managing uncertainties and teamwork.

Ruben Orue Finance Director - DHL

We had a multicultural universe from 16 countries and we needed to do a fun activity that would connect the 300 participants. Meeting goals in a fun way took people out of their comfort zone, generating greater connection. It exceeded the expectations we had.

Pablo Valeriano Country Manager - Onapsis Inc

It was something different, it made us play. It allowed us to see people in new, much more colorful ways. This makes the person more credible, and when you believe in your teammates you build stronger bridges.

    Write us to live the experience
    Mission to Mars

    Frequently Asked Question (FAQ)

    What are the advantages and disadvantages of working in a team?

    Working in a team, in addition to beiing more enjoyable, has several advantages such as increasing productivity and motivation. In addition, it provides more learning opportunities, improves communication, and creates places where personal strengths and weaknesses can be recognized. When there is true teamwork and trust, people also feel included and respond better to stress situations. The diversity of ideas when there is teamwork is something that adds a lot of value to organizations.

    However, there may be some disadvantages if the team is not working collaboratively or efficiently. A team divided into subgroups can lead to further seperation. When one individual tries to impose their personal judgment on others this can lead to a bad working climate for all. In some cases, failure to distribute tasks fairly could result in friction.


    How do you overcome the challenges of working in a team?

    To overcome team challenges, the main thing is to have a thorough understanding of the problem and the skills of the team. Then it is best to assign roles in which all people feel comfortable and valued. Only then should work be done to think about solutions and to think about plans to overcome these challenges. It is important that one person is chosen to lead the whole process.